FRESH WATER > PRODUCTS > ACCESSORY> SINKER SINKERsinker サバイバルシンカー COLOR 9 危険地帯を生き抜くスナッグレスシンカー SURVIVAL SINKER/サバイバルシンカーNEW Through Nail / Through Nail Micro SIZE 7COLOR 7 THROUGH NAIL / THROUGH NAIL MICRO Tungsten Custom Sinker Nail Heavy Weight COLOR 1 Feel the bottom, cover JK TUNGSTEN CUSTOM SINKER NAIL HEAVY WEIGHT / JK tungsten Custom Sinker Nail Heavy Weight JK CUSTOM SINKER HOLENAIL SIZE 1 COLOR 3 JK CUSTOM SINKER HOLENAIL JACKALL CUSTOM SINKER HAMMERNAIL SIZE 1 Heavyweight model that expands the tactics of neko rig JK CUSTOM SINKER HAMMERNAIL JK TUNGSTEN SINKER STICK DS ROUND EYE SIZE 1 Ideal for heavy down short rigs and leaderless down short rigs! The slim stick shape has excellent snaggless performance! JK TUNGSTEN SINKER STICK DS ROUND EYE JK TUNGSTEN CUSTOM SINKER BULLET COLOR SIZE 1 The presence of a sinker softbait is assimilated into, you can approach to natural of "Gris bread color" hook out Ttoshinka. JK TUNGSTEN CUSTOM SINKER BULLET COLOR JK TUNGSTEN SINKER CAROLINA ROUND SIZE 1 A round type Carolina sinker that demonstrates snaggless performance on hard bottoms such as rocky areas and tetra belts. JK TUNGSTEN SINKER CAROLINA ROUND JK TUNGSTEN SINKER CAROLINA STICK SIZE 1 Excellent stickiness, stick type appeared! JK TUNGSTEN SINKER CAROLINA STICK JK TUNGSTEN SINKER BULLET HEAVY TYPE SIZE 1 Compatible with heavy covers. Front heavy structure with excellent weedless effect. JK TUNGSTEN SINKER BULLET HEAVY TYPE NAIL SINKER SIZE 6 Unique shape nail sinker that is easy to stab and does not come off easily NAIL SINKER BULLET SINKER SIZE 8 tungsten material is used. High sensitivity created by touching the ground at a point. Uses a large diameter tube compatible with power lines. BULLET SINKER DOWN SHOT SINKER SIZE 6 Do not miss a slight change in the bottom. DOWN SHOT SINKER for finesse. DOWN SHOT SINKER STICK DOWN SHOT SINKER SIZE 5 Boldly attack the cover! Stick type with an emphasis on slip-through. STICK DOWN SHOT SINKER ACCESSORY TOP