cyan jig default

Cyan Jig Default CiAN JIG DEFAULT
Cyan Jig Default CiAN JIG DEFAULT


Cyan Jig Default CiAN JIG DEFAULT
Cyan Jig Default CiAN JIG DEFAULT

Rockshore standard

Not the standard of metal jigs, but the "standard of rock shore metal jigs". The base action is a sharp long slide and a fluttering horizontal fall that is effective for various blue back fish-runners. It is exactly the finish suitable for Rock Shore's default equipment.

Cyan Jig Default CiAN JIG DEFAULT
Cyan Jig Default CiAN JIG DEFAULT

High response setting

By putting the line eye in the open mouth and bringing the point of effort closer to the center of gravity, it demonstrates a high action response. High-dimensional representation of the jerk action intended by anglers.

Cyan Jig Default CiAN JIG DEFAULT
Cyan Jig Default CiAN JIG DEFAULT

A horizontal fall that makes you feel like you're floating

The horizontal and slow fall with roll that occurs in the free fall creates a floating feeling as if it stopped for a moment due to the quick slide and the sharpness difference. It secures the gap between eating the blue back fish that have been chased by the jerk.