BINBINDAMA T + Tie Flare finesse
BINBIN lumps tea plus tie flare finesse

BINBIN lumps tea plus tie flare finesse BINBINDAMA T + tie flare finesse
BINBIN lumps tea plus tie flare finesse BINBINDAMA T + tie flare finesse

"Flare" makes trouble-less. It entice the fish with different wave made by the 2 different shape curly which triggers the bite.

BINBIN lumps tea plus tie flare finesse BINBINDAMA T + tie flare finesse
BINBIN lumps tea plus tie flare finesse BINBINDAMA T + tie flare finesse

"Flare" tie

Designed to "flare" when the tie is converged with a backfire cap. Prevents hook and tie interference and reduces trouble. Increase your part-time bite
finesse with its thin shape, it appeals to the sea bream with its strong silhouette.

BINBIN lumps tea plus tie flare finesse BINBINDAMA T + tie flare finesse
BINBIN lumps tea plus tie flare finesse BINBINDAMA T + tie flare finesse

Different curly shapes on the left and right

One has a gently curved curly and the other has a strong curved curly, and acts in an asymmetrical shape. It keeps producing different waves without interfering with each other and invites the sea bream.