SALT OFFSHORE2024-06-20 [Tokyo Bay/ TAIRABA] What is the best setting to catch result of fishing in the fiercely competitive Tokyo Bay? / AI TANAKA NEW PREV LIST NEXT RELATED PRODUCTS BINBIN Stick Supreme Series lightest & highest sensitivity SIZE 3 BIN-BIN STICK EXTRO The latest and deepest fusion SIZE 6 BINBIN Hook Musou Super aggressive TAIRABA rubber hook that pierces everything it touches. SIZE 3COLOR 1 BINBIN Hook Lamb A hook exclusively for tie TAIRABA that stabs deeply the more you send it in. SIZE 3COLOR 1 KEYWORD TAGS #jackall#ジャッカル#USHIO#BASS.バス.pikupiku.ピクピク.トップウォーター#加藤誠司#seijikato#fishing#bassfishing#ブラストボーン#ブラストボーンSF#ブラストボーンJr#ソウルフラット#ソウルフラット58SF#ビーク#beak#スモラバ#RVバグ#リボルテージ#Revoltage#USHIO船#タチウオ#タチウオテンヤ#太刀魚#海釣り#rekuze READ MORE